Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chimp Sketch of the week #35

Art Rage

This image was done on my friend Monika Manieckis iPad after an amazing lecture at the Society of Illustrators that she gave including a demo of her painting a still life. After the lecture a few of us went for drinks and I got my own privet demo. When I sat down to draw something what else would I make. Essentially this is a finger painting. not my best work but this was fun...Thanks Monika!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Bye To Our Beloved Boardwalk

The news of the Boardwalk in Long Beach being demolished has gotten me very sentimental. Long Beach is a great strong community. They type of home that is always home no matter how far away you might move away from it. Growing up in Long Beach we all have our memories and stories of our beloved boardwalk. I thought I would share some painting I have done of long beach over the years, some horrible some good all painted/sketched with love. The top painting was one I did in grad school when asked to paint something personal. I saw this as a portrait of our wonderful town. Ironically I gave this painting to my sister as a house-warming present the day before Sandy hit.

Temple Israel